Pakshaghatha is included under the Mahagadha and is an intricate disease to cure. According to National Stroke Association, Stroke (features which are akin to Pakshaghata) is one of the leading causes of long term disability ...
INTRODUCTION: Virechana is a prime modality of Shodhana Karma by which vitiated Doshas are expelled through Adhobhaga. 245 Yogas for Virechana are described in classics. A ideal medicine is one which is given in Alpamatra, ...
Introduction: Sedentary life style, lack of physical activities & irregular food habits has directed human kind towards many chronic diseases. Ayurveda has categorized Gridhrasi as one of the Vatavyadhi caused by aggravated ...
INTODUCTION: Basti Karma is one of the prime modality of the treatment in Panchakarma. It has not only curative action but also preventive and promotive action. Different types and forms of Basti yoga are mentioned with ...
Introduction: Ardhavabhedaka have predominance of vata and vatakaphaja, Tridoshaja, vataja according to Acharya Charaka, Acharya Sushruta, and Acharya Vagbhatta respectively. The causes of ardhavabhedaka are excessive ...
Introduction: The study of Sushruta Samhita, UttaraTantra reveals that there is one group of eye diseases, which are responsible for visual impairment. The number of the diseases of this group comprises twelve. Amongst ...
Background and objectives : According to AcharyaSushrutaTundikeri is the disease caused by the vitiation of Kapha and Rakta and characterized by Shotha (swelling), Toda (pricking type of pain), Daha (burningsensation), ...
Background and objectives Oral hygiene plays an important role in every individual. But due to so many vitiating factors like tobacco chewing, smoking, stress, vitamin deficiency, allergic and trauma leading to the Vatadi ...
INTRODUCTION: - Arma is the Shuklagata roga. Arma can be correlated to pterygium based on the character of growth. Pterygium is a common ocular- surface disorder capable of causing significant visual impairment & cosmetic ...
1. INTRODUCTION:- The Introductory part gives the brief picture of the contents of vataja Abhishyanda its relation to allergic conjunctivitis along with kriyakalpa and Vidalaka procedure and The study plan also introduced ...