Kala sharira is unique concept of ayurveda. Kala are described as limiting membrane between dhatu and it’s ashaya. They are seven in number. Kala are sheath like structures enveloped by shleshma or mucoid material. They have also been recognized as inner most limiting linings of dhatu (tissue) and ashaya (body cavities). Kala are not mere limiting membrane but they perform certain functions. Purishdhara kala is one among seven kala described by acharya sushruta. It does function of dharana of purish for certain period. It is located in pakwashaya in the koshtha near yakrit. Asthidhara kala is unique concept of acharya dalhana. He wrote in his treatise nibandha sangraha that purishdhara kala is related with asthidhara kala. Kala are the important structure in the body like other organs so it’s all dimensional study is important.
Aim & objectives:
1. To review purishdhara kala and asthidhara kala as per ayurvedic literature.
2. To study anatomy and physiology of gastrointestinal tract, especially large intestine.
3. To explore the correlation between purishdhara kala and asthidhara kala.
Materials and methods:
Ayurveda compendia, modern textbooks, research papers and literature from internet related to topic were thoroughly reviewed.
In our samhita, many cross references are found which shows the positive relation between purishdhara kala and asthidhara kala. Both asthidhatu and pakwashaya are site of vata dosha. In ayurveda, many physiological or pathological conditions like, dantodbhava, phakka roga, vata rakta suggests the connection between purishdhara kala and asthidhara kala. In contemporary science, diseases like ulcerative colitis, permanent colostomy, tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium bovis, rickets, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Prove the relation between both the kala.
Purishdhara kala and asthidhara kala are interrelated.