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Face detection for student attendance using deep learning

Show simple item record Shah, Milan 2020-11-06T05:05:04Z 2020-11-06T05:05:04Z 2019-04-01
dc.description For Full Thesis Kindly contact to respective Library en_US
dc.description.abstract This Face detection is the task of identifying an individual student’s face and their database recognized deep learning. Face detection is largest technology with attendance of students.The system uses viola Jones algorithm in facial features. The student’s features compare to faces between system managers them efficient. The features allow to compare faces between system manager them efficient. Used SVM(support vector machine).The student’s faces detection local binary pattern and Recognition and facing detection method codes used sequentially. This project statistical approach using data objects which included method analysis. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Parul University en_US
dc.subject 170305212004 en_US
dc.title Face detection for student attendance using deep learning en_US
dc.title.alternative 170305212004 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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